Do you realize that moving is one of the 7 most stressful things
we will ever do in our lives?1 If you’ve ever had to move,
in-between raising your family, doing the laundry, working and trying to catch
a few Z’s, you can certainly attest to that fact!!
A little known fact is that move managers can make your move a stress-free undertaking. We exist and we make life a lot easier for you around move time. I’m shocked by the number of times I work with a client or speak to a realtor who is learning about move management services for the first time, or doesn’t realize that many professional organizers offer this service.
So, what’s the big deal you ask? Let me tell you . . .
We do the admin. If you want to gather a few quotes from movers, need to reserve the elevator at your condo, or need to have a bin delivered to dump all that stuff that’s not moving with you, there’s no need to spend your lunch hour on the phone. We take care of the calls and scheduling for you.
We bring the supplies. After a full day’s work, when you rush home to feed the family, throw on a load of laundry and hustle the kids out the door to soccer practice, do you really want to go to your local moving supply retailer to get boxes, tape and packing paper? Likely not. But don’t worry: we’ll bring the packing supplies needed to get the job done.
We pack . . .and label. So, your move is three weeks away. It’s 9:30 pm on a Tuesday night. Your daughter’s homework is finally done, the kitchen is cleaned and ready for tomorrow’s early-morning onslaught. You have a decision to make: Start packing boxes? Or give yourself 45 minutes to collect your thoughts, prepare for tomorrow, or maybe even have a conversation with our spouse? Wait! You’ve overlooked one other option. You can ask your move manager to pack as much or as little as needed to allow you enough time to keep your sanity. We’ll pack like items together and label the boxes, so you have a sense of what’s going on when you get to your new home.
We want you to make
money. If you’re downsizing, there’s no way you can take all your
furniture with you. But if you have enough unnecessary furniture, you may be
able to sell it via an online auction. Your move manager will prepare the
auction lots, the auction house will arrange to have your property photographed
and catalogued. They’ll run the auction and even arrange for the pick-up of
items that were sold. You just wait for the cheque.
We’re there on move day. This makes a world of difference to a parent with a young family, or to someone who can’t be present to support an elderly family member. We will be on site, to field any questions from your movers and oversee the goings on of the day. That leaves you with peace of mind and the opportunity to spend those eight hours however you see fit.
We unpack. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up on that first morning in your new home, knowing that your toothbrush is already in a bathroom cabinet, your clothes are hung in the closet and there’s coffee and cereal in the kitchen? It can happen. We will unpack your belongings so you can start settling into your new home and routines. You don’t have to live out of boxes for 6 months.
There are a number of reasons why someone may seek out a move manager:You may have health problems that make it impossible for you to look after things on your own; you may have a busy family and not enough hours in the day to get things done; you may not have anyone who can help you. Whatever the reason, take comfort in knowing that you don’t have to be that person quickly tossing things into big, black garbage bags as the moving truck prepares to drive away. Help is available.
A little known fact is that move managers can make your move a stress-free undertaking. We exist and we make life a lot easier for you around move time. I’m shocked by the number of times I work with a client or speak to a realtor who is learning about move management services for the first time, or doesn’t realize that many professional organizers offer this service.
So, what’s the big deal you ask? Let me tell you . . .
We do the admin. If you want to gather a few quotes from movers, need to reserve the elevator at your condo, or need to have a bin delivered to dump all that stuff that’s not moving with you, there’s no need to spend your lunch hour on the phone. We take care of the calls and scheduling for you.
We bring the supplies. After a full day’s work, when you rush home to feed the family, throw on a load of laundry and hustle the kids out the door to soccer practice, do you really want to go to your local moving supply retailer to get boxes, tape and packing paper? Likely not. But don’t worry: we’ll bring the packing supplies needed to get the job done.
We pack . . .and label. So, your move is three weeks away. It’s 9:30 pm on a Tuesday night. Your daughter’s homework is finally done, the kitchen is cleaned and ready for tomorrow’s early-morning onslaught. You have a decision to make: Start packing boxes? Or give yourself 45 minutes to collect your thoughts, prepare for tomorrow, or maybe even have a conversation with our spouse? Wait! You’ve overlooked one other option. You can ask your move manager to pack as much or as little as needed to allow you enough time to keep your sanity. We’ll pack like items together and label the boxes, so you have a sense of what’s going on when you get to your new home.

We’re there on move day. This makes a world of difference to a parent with a young family, or to someone who can’t be present to support an elderly family member. We will be on site, to field any questions from your movers and oversee the goings on of the day. That leaves you with peace of mind and the opportunity to spend those eight hours however you see fit.
We unpack. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up on that first morning in your new home, knowing that your toothbrush is already in a bathroom cabinet, your clothes are hung in the closet and there’s coffee and cereal in the kitchen? It can happen. We will unpack your belongings so you can start settling into your new home and routines. You don’t have to live out of boxes for 6 months.
There are a number of reasons why someone may seek out a move manager:You may have health problems that make it impossible for you to look after things on your own; you may have a busy family and not enough hours in the day to get things done; you may not have anyone who can help you. Whatever the reason, take comfort in knowing that you don’t have to be that person quickly tossing things into big, black garbage bags as the moving truck prepares to drive away. Help is available.