Keeping up with your waste and recyclables on a weekly or bi-weekly
basis will cost you little to nothing. But when you have something that falls
outside of the regular curbside pickup, it’s best to know what your options are
and act in the timeliest manner possible.
If not, that one couch or appliance can quickly grow to a pile of two
bulk items, an appliance and a few containers of toxic waste. Now it’s an even
bigger hassle to deal with, and the overwhelm starts. . .
If you wait long enough that you need to hire a junk removal
service, you may embark on a costly venture. I recently contacted several junk
removal companies to schedule the pickup of one upright freezer. I received quotes from $98 - $200. The big name junk removal companies charge
per cubic foot of space your stuff takes up on their truck. In Toronto, prices
range from $99, for a minimum charge, to about $550 for a full truck. A full truckload holds approximately two
couches, two armchairs, four book cases and 6 – 8 garbage bags.
So what options are there for someone dealing with a smaller
quantity who doesn’t want to pay the big bucks? Read on!
- Toronto Hydro will still pick up old fridges and freezers free of charge. The appliance must be at least 20 years old and in working order. Check Save on Energy for details.
- Habitat for Humanity will also have volunteers pick up larger items that meet their donation requirements. Working appliances are acceptable. This non-profit group suggests an optional $15 donation at the time of pickup and you may be eligible to receive a tax receipt.
- The City of Toronto offers a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) pickup, free of charge. By completing a form online, you can schedule a pickup of 10L to 50L. I called 311 to verify the rules and was told there is no limit to how many times the service is used.
- Electronics can be dropped off at many retail or municipal locations. Check for details.
Blue bin
Bulk items
Drop off excess recycling
at the depot. No limit. No charge.
Drop off at the
depot or local retailers.
Free monthly pickup
at curbside; check your calendar for dates.
Free monthly pickup
at curbside; check your calendar for dates.
Drop off excess recycling
at the depot. No limit. No charge.
Drop off at the
depot or local retailers.
Curbside pickup on
regularly scheduled garbage days.
Pick up by appt.;
$15 for first appliance, $10 for additional appliances or drop off at depot
free of charge.
Richmond Hill
Drop off excess recycling
at the depot. No limit. No charge.
Must be dropped off
at depot.
Curbside pickup on
regularly scheduled garbage days.
Monthly pickup by
Drop off excess recycling
at the depot. No limit. No charge.
Must be dropped off
at depot. See site for limits
Curbside pickup on
regularly scheduled garbage days.
Pick up by appt.;
$27 per appliance.
20 kg of recycling
can be dropped off at the depot per day. No charge.
Curbside pickup on
regularly scheduled garbage days.
Curbside pickup on
regularly scheduled garbage days.
Curbside pickup on
regularly scheduled garbage days.
Richmond Hill
Good luck everyone!!
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