Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Decide with the Clarity of Emotional Intelligence

The year 2017 is well underway. There was barely a chance to reconcile with the start of a new year; and we are almost into its second month. Always looking for the best way to help and inspire you in your organizing journey, I was very pleased a couple weeks ago to be introduced to the Thought Model.  Researching online, I discovered this model is integral in the coaching world; the University of California is even touting it as an important tool in managing employees. But I heard it described by a midlife coach, who was using it to illustrate our relationship with our stuff. My wheels started spinning and I couldn’t wait to share with you.

Here we have it, (with my organizing spin): Every one of us faces certain circumstances all day. These are things we cannot change. Maybe your circumstance is a closet full of memorabilia form high school.

Perhaps when you look through that closet full of your past you think things like, I scored the winning touchdown with this football or, I hated that class! or, This is the test that proved I was capable.

Now the feelings are stirring within. What are they? Do you still feel the pride and elation you did that day on the football field? Or do you just smile wistfully and remember what a great day that was?  Are you angry thinking back on that class? Do you sigh with disbelief when you recall how stressed you were preparing for that test? Or are you satisfied thinking of the path your life took, because you were able to pursue a higher education than anticipated?

How do your feelings cause you to act? Do you go out and buy a display case for that football, then put it in your rec room? Or are you happy to put it in a big black garbage bag and say goodbye? Do you want to recycle the text book and free yourself from the negative thoughts of that class? Or do you want that book taking up space in your current life? What about that test? Do you still need it to identify who you are today? Or is it enough to be grateful, remembering that you had a breakthrough that helped shape the person you are today?

And finally, what is the result of your actions? Are you able to eliminate some of the clutter of your past and make room for your priorities today? Or will you let stuff consume your physical space, still not adding value and still not being respected? When we let go of things that no longer add value, we are able to spend our time doing what we enjoy. As well, we feel a sense of pride and relief in our  ability to move forward. When we continue to close a door on the physical items of the past, we have decisions that remain to be made. They wait for us. They overwhelm us and clutter our minds. As you weigh the pros and cons of decluttering your space and your mind, remember that the items themselves are neutral. You are the one who attaches meaning to the items, because of your thoughts and feelings. And you are the one who will reap the benefits of reframing your thoughts and feelings, and allowing yourself to enter into the now of your life.

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